What is Dental Insurance?
A health and wellness plan designed to pay a portion of dental costs associated with preventive, basic, and some major dental care, as well as orthodontics.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Eligible full-time and 49% employees (as described on eligibility page), spouse and children (up to age 26)
Coverage through MetLife
Claims must be submitted within 90 days of service
The Low Plan is an In-Network Only Plan
In-Network Provider Directory: CLICK HERE (Network: PDP Plus)
Buscar un Proveedor Dental: BUSCA AQUÍ
No waiting periods & no penalty to move from the high plan to low plan and vice versa at Open Enrollment
The chart below is a sample of covered services. Please see Plan Certificate for a detailed listing of services in their entirety.
Exams and cleanings are allowed 2 times each calendar year. They do not have to be separated by 6 months.
Orthodontia available for adult employee/spouse and children up to age 26 (Dental High Plan)
Contact Campus Benefits for assistance with claims.
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5